The Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) is dedicated to improving transportation safety across the region. In 2018, GVMC developed a new Safety Plan that showed how people walking, bicycling, rolling, and riding motorcycles represent a small percent of total crashes, but a disproportionately high percentage of the total fatal and serious injury crashes.
In 2023, GVMC was awarded a federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant to develop a Regional Safety Action Plan, building on the efforts and results of the 2018 plan. The Regional Safety Action Plan is a community-driven, inclusive, pragmatic plan that will guide transportation policies, visions, and behaviors in communities across the region. The plan is a collaborative effort that will empower local agencies to address transportation safety issues within and across the planning area, including communities in Kent County as well as the City of Hudsonville and Allendale, Georgetown, Jamestown, and Tallmadge Townships in Ottawa County.
The purpose of creating the Regional Safety Action Plan is to develop a safe, forward-looking transportation system that serves the needs and meets the demands of the thriving west Michigan region. By having a completed regional safety action plan, local governments will be eligible for Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) implementation grants. Action Plans are the foundation of the SS4A implementation grant program.
There are several upcoming opportunities for you to get involved and let us know your safety priorities and concerns, which will empower you and your community to help determine solutions that lead to positive change, meaning less crashes, less injuries, and less fatalities (or safer streets for everyone).
Stay tuned for announcements, sign up for our mailing list, follow us on social media, and check out the GET INVOLVED page to learn more.