GVMC Regional Safety Action Plan



Below are the results of safety analyses conducted for the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) Regional Safety Action Plan. All analyses were conducted using crash data obtained from the MiCAT data portal, used as-is.

Use the tabs below to view two different safety analysis maps for vehicle (cars, trucks, etc.), pedestrians, bicycles, motor cycles, and all modes combined. A detailed explanation for both safety analysis maps is also included.

Other GVMC Safety Initiatives & Campaigns

  • Traffic Safety Planning
    • Traffic crashes are a leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths in Michigan. A crash summary dashboard for the region shows where crashes have occurred dating back to 2017 for anyone to view.

  • Report a Near-Miss or Location of Concern
    • Witness or experience a crash that almost was? Use this anonymous online tool to report information that will be used to supplement crash data to help better identify and understand traffic safety issues.

  • Safety Education & Outreach
    • Keeping everyone safe while travelling in the region is a priority. There are a number of programs and resources (including videos, printable materials, promotional nonmotorized safety items, and more) to help ensure the safety of everyone.

Please refer to the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council website for more information on GVMC’s safety initiatives, campaigns, and transportation safety-related projects and documents.